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11 Reasons Why You Don’t Hear Back From Hiring Managers

11 Reasons Why You Don’t Hear Back From Hiring Managers


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girl on computer Photo by Keren Levand on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered why some hiring managers don’t get back to you about your application?

After taking the necessary steps to filling out an application, you’re left feeling confused as to why this keeps happening. First you submit your application, you wait about a week, get your hopes up really high about getting your first interview call, and then…crickets.

You then try to remind yourself that it’s nothing personal, but it’s been about the 5th or 10th time this has happened to you. When something like this happens, it’s so easy to doubt your abilities and put all of the blame on yourself, but what if it’s not all your fault?

Hiring managers have a lot of responsibilities. One of those responsibilities involves sifting through multiple applications and resumes to make sure they choose the right candidate for the position.

Although it’s a terrible feeling not hearing back from employers, here are some helpful solutions as to why you’re not getting a simple call back.

You Don’t Follow Up

Sometimes, all it takes is a simple follow-up email to the hiring managers to let them know that you’re still interested in the position. Now, the response time to the applicants can vary, but it all depends on the business needs of the company. According to a recruiter, it’s recommended that you actually wait 5 to 7 days after submitting an application to reach out to the recruiter for an application status.

If you complete your first interview and it’s been a week since you’ve heard back from the hiring managers, send them a follow-up email and see what their response is. A good tip to follow after completing your initial interview is to ask for any contact information and immediately send a thank you note after the interview.

Another thing to stay away from is following up way too much. If you follow up once to the hiring managers, let time pass by before following up again. Following up too much can spook the hiring managers away and they may not even consider hiring you for the position anymore.

They Might Just Be Really Busy

As a hiring manager, there are a lot of tasks to complete before hiring the right candidate for the job. Hiring managers are in charge of finding the right staffing requirements for new or open positions, they create detail job descriptions that attract the best candidates, they serve as the direct point of contact during the interview process, they market new job opportunities, and they make the final hiring decisions.

For every one job opening, an employer receives at least 118 applications and only 20% of those applications get interviews. So as you can see, hiring managers certainly have their hands full. Therefore, as a job seeker, it’s best to keep this in mind in case you begin to doubt your abilities or in the application process.

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For employers, it can be very overwhelming to juggle all of these tasks at once. At Empire Workforce Solutions, our team of highly trained staff members will handle all of the professional staffing, the skilled trades staffing, and the transportation staffing for you.

As an employer, if you find that you’re too busy and are feeling overwhelmed with the tasks at hand and need help filling up those vacant job roles, feel free to contact us at one of our multiple branches. We are here to help!

Lack of Organization

When the duties of a position in a company is unclear and the company itself is not organized in informing recruiters to reach back out to candidates, that can contribute to why you don’t hear back from hiring managers. Sometimes, the job position will already be filled up and the company might “forget” to respond back to the candidates, especially those that are patiently waiting to hear back about the position.

Other times, the company might lose the application/resume in the process and may not know how to get back to you about the position. Also, the hiring managers may have traveled or taken a really long vacation, resulting in you not getting a response of any kind.

Your Resume Doesn’t Look Professional

And sometimes, it might just be your application/resume! Make sure to clean up your resume and make it stand out amongst the dozens of applications that go through the system. This is why it is important to update your resume at least twice a year. Make sure that the resume looks professional and attractive. Since hiring managers have a responsibility of creating the job description, they are very particular about what they are looking for when screening a resume.

Many companies have a talent-management software that screen resumes and weed out 50% of the applications before hiring managers can even look at them. Moreover, as a job seeker, please include specific keywords in the resume so that it matches up with the job description that you’re applying for.

RELATED: How to Find a Job During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Your LinkedIn Profile Needs Work

Have you looked at your LinkedIn profile lately? Nowadays, about 70% of employers are screening potential candidates on social media. Go through all of your socials and clean up your social media so that employers can’t find anything on there that might deter you from getting that interview.

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On your LinkedIn profile, add a professional image yourself, optimize your profile section with the most up to date information, and upload your resume with your qualifications and skillsets so that when employers come across your LinkedIn page and they like what they see, they can easily reach out to you for an interview.

Too Many Applicants

As mentioned before, there is an average of 118 applications for every one job opening. Now, that is a lot of applications — especially for a competitive job position. Here are four ways you can make your resume stand out amongst other applicants:

  • Make your application easy to read with short sentences and paragraphs
  • Use the STAR technique – Situation, Tasks, Actions, & Results
  • Create an online presence whether with a blog or a portfolio of your work
  • Make sure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors on your application

You Got Rejected

Rejection is never a great feeling but sometimes it might be the cold hard truth as to why you don’t hear back from employers. Sometimes, hiring managers may even email you and let you know that you got rejected but it is not always the same for every employer. Not knowing that you got rejected from a job can makes things easier when you want to move on and look for work elsewhere.

If you have a daunting feeling that you’ve been rejected, the worst thing to do is to give up. Instead, continue applying and be content in knowing that something better is on its way.

Keeping Their Offers Open

Most times, a company already has a budget for the position that you’re applying for and if you state an offer that may be out of their budget, they may consider other candidates that have stated offers within or beneath their budget.

When filling out an application, make sure you’re clear in understanding the salary range. If it doesn’t state it on the job description, research the salary range for the position and make a sound judgement on what you find.  

You May Be Overqualified

In a way, being overqualified can be shown as a backhanded compliment. Although, the defeat is not easy to go through, the rejection shows that you should be applying to roles that are more challenging and fitting for your qualifications.

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On the other hand, you may not hear back from hiring managers because you’re underqualified for the position. This is why it is so important to read the job description carefully of what you’re applying for. Unless, you have similar job skills that you can incorporate into your resume from the job description, it is not a good idea to apply for a job in which you are definitely underqualified.

Your Words Have Impact

Be careful of what you write down or say in your interview, application or resume. In a job application/interview, words can definitely make or break your career journey. For example, if a job you’re trying to get hears you or sees you bad mouthing your previous employer, they may definitely not want to consider you for the position.

To help you be mindful with your words, get someone to practice interviewing you for your dream position or have them look over your application to make sure that it’s professional and grammatically free of errors.

Applying Too Many Times

Lastly, if you apply too many times to one company, you might as well move on to doing something else. Don’t show the company just how desperate you are by applying to every single job they have posted. That is truly a waste of time. If you’re not careful, applying for multiple positions to one company could result in an automatic rejection for any of the positions you applied for. Besides, applying to a lot of these positions at one company can confuse the employer in knowing which position is the right fit for you.

Here at Empire Workforce Solutions, we are the right partner of choice when it comes to helping both candidates and clients land their dream jobs and reach their career goals. When you partner up with Empire, you’ll find a wide array of Professional jobs, Skilled Trades jobs, and Transportation jobs. Apply Today!

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